From my cursory look at the syntax, variable bindings don't seem to support type parameters. This would be quite useful to typecheckers as more then just functions can be parametric. Consider the empt…
## Regular expressions
- [Atom](https://github.com/petrosh/snippetrosh/issues/15#issuecomment-357443954)
- [JS RegExp intro](https://github.com/petrosh/snippetrosh/issues/15#issuecomment-353406549…
I'm getting the following error even though my mapping function is not async. I'm using the mapFrom method.
Error: Impossible to use asynchronous mapping using automapper.map(); use automapp…
Vulnerable Library - creator-panel-3.25.0.tgz
Path to dependency file: /package.json
Path to vulnerable library: /package.json
Found in HEAD commit: 6c8f2efdac17fd0023323d6e6531de794c250cf9
## …
I was also posting this in the do proposal:
To me, it sounds most logical that if any of the `if`, `switch`, `for`, `while`, `try` keywords…
by **opennota**:
ES6 specifies a new language feature called "Template Strings" (often also
referred to as "Quasi Literals" alongside multi-line strings and others). This
allows t…
### setInterval
From @syranide
> http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=harmony:array_comprehensions could this be something to consider for JSX? I.e. statement like syntax inside braces, more readable than ternary…
jimfb updated
7 years ago
am stuck as i'd like to send my mentions to the database as links so that i may retieve them as links and i'd also like to save each mention instance in a database table
Now that Node.js 4.0 is out and most other modern frameworks leverage the concept of Classes in Javascript, I think it would be very appropriate if Marko Widgets (and Marko Tags in general) supported …