JSDoc is not picking up the properties of an exported enum
* Alert type that is used to indicate the severity of the information
* @readonly
* @enum {number}
export const A…
Ref: #54
Currently, we have basic `@typedef` support for defining type and then later mapping it to tstypes [here](https://github.com/unjs/untyped/blob/6120fdf7d2a0e9fb88c79cca1fd5ad3236eb0ac3/src/…
When I run tsdoc, I get the following error. I can provide other files from my project if need be.
PS C:\Users\vroy1\Documents\Programming\Srini\Puzzles-Webapp\puzzled\puzzled-javascript\src>…
I have the following file structure:
package.json looks like:
It seems to be unclear if named function parameters (eg. `function(arg0: AType, arg1: BType)` as opposed to `function(AType, BType)`) are supported by the spec or not.
I am aware that [catharsis](h…
`tsconfig.json`, under `compilerOptions`:
"stripInternal": true,
And add comments like these:
* @internal
JSDoc does not detect functions created by compiling CoffeeScript functions with proper JSDoc comments. Here is a simple example:
``` CoffeeScript
x = 1
* Funtion to ...
a = () ->
The CommonJS module pattern is based on keeping things away from the global, as
this is considered to be bad practice. I've been writing an application for
RequireJS, which implements the common…
Does jsdoc support docblock templates?
For example:
``` js
* @memberof module:foo/bar
* @constructor
function Bar() {
* @constructor
function Baz() {
In sql/SparkSession.js line 70
* A collection of methods for registering user-defined functions (UDF).
* Note that the user-defined functions must be deterministic. Due to optimiza…