In order to be less monolithic, Trash needs to move away from in-process commands. All commands should be implemented as separate programs, just like everything in Cygwin or Ming. However, unlike Bash…
## Current State
We have several places where we validate/deserialize JSON.
Validation can fail with error messages, defaults need to be inserted and a JSON schema is also usually provided.
Initially we want to develop XML or RDF import / export functionality to facilitate transfer of genealogies between TreeChecker instances. However, this functionality will also open up the potential f…
我就拿官方的 demo 去测试了,用的最简单的 json
> let jsonString = "{\"data\":{\"aInt\":100,\"aStr\":\"string data\",\"id\":1},\"code\":200,\"biz\":\"social\"}"
> let result = Result.deserialize(from: jsonStrin…
1.2.47版本 jdk1.8
feign请求结果反序列化时候 json格式是中 person_id 转换成 model 驼峰 personId 则结果丢失
但是 json中 name 对应model中 name 这种没有 _ 对应非驼峰的 不会丢失
Class created to store the state of game data.
Singleton class keeps track of the current state of the game.
Interface added that is implemented into other scripts to save and load data.
##### Description
The issue is originally reported via https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen/issues/4805#issuecomment-280615622
For typescript-angular2:
"Request": {
Currently rele's subscription model only supports consuming messages that are json deserializable.
Unfortunately some of GCP's core services publish non-json messages. For example, the gcp dicom st…
Using `.With()` function it's repeating the same key/value for every `With` call. Should it overwrite the previous values or have a function to remove specific keys/values previously set?
We are sending notifications to users through graph. Notifications are working on all platforms, however, the deep link functionality is not working on all platforms. Deep linking to a personal app an…