Hi! It's likely this is not a bug, but I'm perplexed about why my ViewModel unit test keeps asking for a root scope to be initialized when it wasn't necessary for weaving Koin in to the actual project…
I'm trying to create a unit test to check if all the dependencies are written in the modules, but checkModules() is always successful, no matter how many dependencies are there in the modules.
Is t…
Nosso processo de seleção para Desenvolvedores Android está aberto. Buscamos profissionais com boa experiência em Kotlin.
A Pixelwolf é uma empresa sediada Curitiba que desenvolve soluções inovad…
First of all I am a big fan of `koin` library, thank you very much for realizing him on dart. Hope this library can be maintained forever.
I have a question about whether it is possible to combine …
I tried to update moko-maps to `0.5.0` and got the error while building:
> Could not find com.mapbox.navigator:mapbox-navigation-native:7.0.0.
> Searched in the following locations:
> …
Provided dependencies constants
- [x] Replace AndroidX Ui dependencies with AndroidX Compose ones.
- [x] Add `Android` object inside `Google` object for Material and other `com.google.android...` li…
**Describe the bug**
I found out very interesting feature — checkModules Gradle plugin from Koin.
But unfortunately executing Gradle task "checkModules" leads to NPE.
I'm sure the guide is not clea…
Is it possible to parse yaml files with variables in values (something like ${VARIABLE:-default} )?
Looks like snakeyaml-engine has this support, with possibility to provide a custom map as an input.…
When `startKoin{}` is called the application crashes with the following stackTrace:
`java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No virtual method getLogger()Lorg/koin/core/logger/Logger; in class Lorg/koin/core/Ko…
How to registerFactory but with dependencies?
For example in Kotlin Koin will be like
val networkModule = modules {
single { RetrofitInstance() }
val repoModule = modules {