Hello, I am unable to use the ELMo implementation even though I follow the arguments provided at README. I use Python 3.6.2 (Anaconda) and install AllenNLP on virtual environment
Here are the relat…
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax.experimental import rnn
batch_size = 8
input_size = 8
hidden_size = 4
num_layers = 1
bidirectional = True
num_directions = 2 if bidirectional…
After a little modification to the source code as to adapt to the Tensorflow 1.0, I found the following error:
ValueError: Attempt to reuse RNNCell with a different variable scope than its first u…
The implementation done in the paper:
is a hybrid seq2seq model with advancements where the encoder is fed with inputs based on following two cases:
Hello, my input is
input (1, 257, 1, 2)
state_h (1, 31, 32)
state_c (1, 32, 32)
May I ask how I should create the correct Mat data type for ncnn inference?
When i ran your code 5 day ago, it printed some information as below. Nothing more since then, no models were created, but the program still runs in my computer. Do you know why? (Dataset: Train set …
I'm training the LSTM-CRF model for NER.
I used the `keras_contrib.layers import CRF` as the CRF layer. Once I finished the training, I saved the model by `model.save('testing_new_all_trainning…
Hello, I am trying to use the hyperas for tuning the multi-input LSTM model, but i am unable to figure out, where things are going wrong.
I have searched online, but could not find anything relevant …
I recently trained an LSTM-with-attention based model using the following hparams:
python3.6 -m nmt.nmt \
--attention=luong \
--src=r --tgt=p \
Trained a Seq2Seq model. But on predicting following error enccuntered.
ValueError: Error when checking model input: the list of Numpy arrays that you are passing to your model is not the size the …