I am trying to solve some test cases with the pysp module but encountered difficulties with the `runef` and `runph` commands:
When attempting to solve the expected value problem of the farmer example…
Hi there, thanks for [this great example](https://gurobi.github.io/modeling-examples/technician_routing_scheduling/technician_routing_scheduling.html) which I am following - it is really good!
In t…
It seems that a missing newline at the end of an `.lp` file causes parsing problems and then throws a funny warning:
Welcome to the CBC MILP Solver
Version: devel
Build Date: Feb 18 2021
### Problem
By default, Ecole changes the SCIP parameters to randomize the ordering of variables and columns. Namely, it calls
`EnvironmentDynamics.set_dynamics_random_state` in the python code,
In our team we happened to use L1-loss (LAD, least absolute deviation) linear regression, with or without L1 or L2 regularizers (so the lasso/elasticnet variants). The interest is to have robust linea…
Cplex just released its version.
When I use Cplex to solve a small MILP example, the following results showed up.
Example code:
from pyomo.solvers.tests.models.MILP_sim…
I'm having trouble accessing the optimal variable value from an Alpine model. Possibly related to #101.
# Minimal Example
using JuMP, Alpine, Ipopt, Cbc
m = Model()
I just solve an MILP model using the solver CBC in cvxpy at my workstation. Here are two issues, one is about the solving time, and the other one is about the relaxed LP model.
1) Solving time. We f…
Xu-WJ updated
3 years ago
After the [latest input parsing update](https://github.com/coin-or/CoinUtils/commit/86ab8d39f90f3119ce372ff88c9e62b54dc2cfe9), my larger problem file now turns up this problem:
Welcome to the …
When changing the optimizer, `CachingOptimizer` attempts to set `MOI.RawParameters`: