Accelerate makes it easy to load a model on multiple GPUs with `device_map="auto"`. This in turn allows users to train model with naive model parallelism if they have several GPUs.
A problem that h…
I've had this issue with 2.x and 3.x. Same issue in 3.0.2.
I've compiled with the following changes:
input bool ShowATROptions = true
input double DefaultATRMultiplierSL = 1
input double Defau…
### 简要描述
1. t5-v1-1-xl、t5-v1-1-xxl 大模型没有转参数
2. mt5 多语言模型也没有转
### 是否已开源
- [X] 已开源
- [ ] 未开源
### 模型详细信息
### System Info
Runnin gthis code on a red hat linux machine
I tried installing transformers with all the methods mentioned in https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/installation
I am hitting…
If you haven’t already, check out our [contributing guidelines](https://github.com/Expensify/ReactNativeChat/blob/main/contributingGuides/CONTRIBUTING.md) for onboarding and email contributors@expensi…
### Channel Name
RTV Arberia Musik
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Thanks for the accelerate project, It is helping me a lot in my research :)
I am working with T5 models. Training T5 models (I found this issue with mT5 and T5-large) with FP16 is not possible…
I am trying to converting mt5 model to onnx runtime. But i can see that model is not supported. Is there any work around.
`Unrecognized configuration class for this kind of AutoMo…
Congrats on the inspiring work.
I wonder if you could share your auxiliary pre-training code modified from ZmBART for mT5, please?
Use stuff developed in Brno available on HF: