article source from: http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-43928318
1. Track & pull branch `feature/search_text`
2. Create python file under the folder `py_01_search_text` and named as [you…
if i star/mark an article in the News+ app it seems not to be synced to the tt-rss backend. Is this possible? Do I need to add/change something?
Thanks and Regards
Storify is being used by some news websites for their liveblogs. The reason why we need a separate scraper is because the code for Storify is being retrieved from somewhere else and the codes do not a…
Hello everyone,
Please check this link.
Again it happens.
my blog has the alias news/
I have a dead page name whatever_news/whatever. The Article plugins shortcut the 404 and instead redirect to the blog. I haven't found a fix yet.
I think the culprit…
Not an issue, but something I found interesting...
I got my undergrad in Engineering at the other UW -- University of Wisconsin. I was reading my alumni magazine yesterday and there was a short artic…
Refine `article-v1.0.0.json` data type that was recently introduced.
For example, add "author" to represent the author of the article.
For example, add "experiment" (instead of collections) that…
No parse but window pops up.