postMessage(across origin)
cookie session
Opening this issue, as we no longer have a benchmarking framework. Performance is an essential part of Valkey, and we need to make it easier to evaluate if something is degrading (or improving) perfor…
Could rig up an IRC server and a bouncer, but is there an easier free option?
Ideally it would be cool to chat via Google hangouts
I'm so happy I've found the tool. I spend a day looking for a tool which can help me and my team track time, but is not focused on spying on employees.
Please consider working on SEO, so it's m…
add cn/Google n/Jasmine p/98765432 e/johnd@example a/311, Clementi Ave 2. Allow user to add person with invalid email address.
1. 使い方を知っていて、最小限の調査で済むテクノロジー(例:「CI/CDパイプラインのセットアップの仕方を知っている」)
1. 企業のインフラで使われていることを知っているテクノロジー(例:「Dockerをいつ、何故使うかは知っている。だけどDockerfileは書いたことがない」)
1. 聞いたことはあるけど何者なのか見当がつかないテクノロジー(例:「Kubernetesというのは聞いたこ…
Congrats for this nice project.
pip install semidbm
does not work on Python 3.7.
Is it planned to update it on PyPI?
### Describe the bug
It looks like waste of token to prompt the same task again and again to see the preview of the asked changes. Put the same prompt in different variation to see if this is reflect…
Busy researching buying a UPS for our home server which we *really* want to keep online as it runs a few vital services ... 💭
Would *much* prefer to *build* something using an array of LiFePO4 cells …