## The dependency [vue](https://github.com/vuejs/vue) was updated from `2.5.17` to `2.5.18`.
🚨 [View failing branch](https://github.com/Saeris/vue-keyrune/compare/master...Saeris:greenkeeper%2Fdefau…
I observed a frequent annoyance when deploying with pulumi:
Every few days someone deploys a kubernetes Deployment using Pulumi and for n number of reasons the deployment fails with the container goi…
## The devDependency [vue-server-renderer](https://github.com/vuejs/vue) was updated from `2.5.17` to `2.5.18`.
🚨 [View failing branch](https://github.com/jeffminsungkim/jeffminsungkim.com/compare/m…
As mentioned in #330, `--large` hasn't been used for a job submission in over a year, `LARGE` more often than not isn't specified on pipelines, and most current pipelines are sufficiently big to handl…
**Thanos, Prometheus and Golang version used**:
Prometheus in HA configuration, 2 instances. Single Thanos querier instance.
**Object Storage Prov…
## The devDependency [vue](https://github.com/vuejs/vue) was updated from `2.5.17` to `2.5.18`.
🚨 [View failing branch](https://github.com/kopterio/vue-auth-cognito/compare/master...kopterio:greenke…
Based on https://github.com/UniversalMediaServer/UniversalMediaServer/issues/1652#issuecomment-439658453
Currently there are many installs under `brian@nycmesh.net` in the spreadsheet data, many of them Grand St installs with real people's names who don't have email addresses. It also seems to pop up wit…
As discussed with @ola-rozenfeld, we need to clarify what the client should do in case of FAILED_PRECONDITION
Right now, all plots used by any of the runs in the observed directory are shown. If the currently selected runs use just a sub set, the remaining plots are empty yet displayed. This means the user ha…