VSC throws an "#include errors detected. Please update your includePath." for one of the libraries' header files, while other header files work fine. Also the project compiles fine and works like it s…
I have a teensy that i want to send multiple values to the RPi. However,...
The example sketches works most of the time and sometimes stops working, giving an error on the RPi:
See details at [http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=545534.0](url)
I have just installed the latest version of the hub it's my first time using it but after turning on any lights it will start flashing the bulb or led strip
I tried playing around with the radio sett…
Many boards have more than one (hardware-supported) SPI bus. If my case, it is not feasible to use the default SPI0 because those pins have other dedicated uses. It seems that the SPI pin definitions …
I am new to Arduino development & github but following from a successful fix on https://github.com/nRF24/RF24/issues/537 it seems this core library should have the following define
`#define SPI_HAS…
Hello all,
I've been using the RF24 Lib for a while now with my Raspberry Pi 2B and my arduinos, it was working with GettingStarted and my own programm.
A While ago I upgraded to a NRF24L01+PA+LNA…
Would it be possible to detect the presence of the SI24R1 Chip, a common cheap replacement, by trying to set and read back the first bit of the Power Register (RF_SETUP)?
In the legit nRF24L01+ it …
IRQ is not used, the library uses polling instead, this makes unnecessary traffic over SPI.
Should the gh wiki and Updates branch be deleted?