By moving away from the Closure Library, we free ourselves to write OpenLayers in a way that makes it more consumable for others. Ideally, we could write ES6 modules. We'll need to confirm that thin…
I see this pattern in the constructors of example components:
``` js
_.bindAll(this, 'myFunction');
Putting aside the fact that _all_ of lodash was being imported when only a single function was…
Can you show little example app where using [aurelia](aurelia.io) and [webpack](http://webpack.github.io/)? Or it is not possible?
**Foreword:** None of this is really set in stone. Feel free to argue and discuss. This is kinda a long issue so I added some gifs, I hear developers love that kind of stuff. This post is also a bit r…
When using `import * as` we get the following output
var a = {
get foo() { return foo; }
which is "correct", however a shorter form would be
var a = { foo: foo };
Would …