We're recently completing a migrations process to Tridion 10 and integrating our current 9.6 solution. As part of the updated microservices, RWS documentation recommends upgrading to JRE17 whic…
not compressed:
$ ll data/20240908
total 27296
drwxr-xr-x 4 kh03 staff 128B Sep 8 10:52 .
drwxr-xr-x 4 kh03 staff 128B Sep 8 10:52 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 kh03 staff 6.7M Sep 8 10:52 …
kj-9 updated
2 months ago
### Description
As `Microsoft.Data.SqlClient` is [due to supersede/replace](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/introducing-the-new-microsoftdatasqlclient/) `System.Data.SqlClient` FSharp.Data.Sq…
Really sorry if I've missed something obvious here but I'm having problems getting spatial types to work when scaffolding a model from a dacpac.
We have an existing scaffolding process using `dotne…
After importing OSM data using osm2pgrouting, path calculations with pgRouting give an error: column "id" not found. Need to change by hand from "gid" in table "ways" to "id" to m…
### Checked for duplicates
Yes - I've already checked
### Describe the bug
I am trying to show two polygons with coords defined in a geojson file but the polygons are not showing up in the app
# QGIS Enhancement 74: QGIS server code refactoring for QGIS 3.0
**Date** 2016/09/27
**Author** René-Luc D'HONT (@rldhont)
**Contact** rldhont at gmail dot com
**maintainers** @rldhont, @d…
Copy & pasting and modifying the ELK instructions:
cat elastic-install.sh
docker run \
--name elasticsearch \
--hostname elasticsearch \
--rm \
--publish \…
I am very interested in your VOS.
I have tried to launch it, but it seems to fail.
Docker-compose keeps restarting and I can never get access to the endpoint.
I have this message:
There are 55 regions in the nuts_codes table that match code like 'RO%'.
There are 55 regions in the nuts_layers table that match code like 'RO%'.
Joining the tables using code produces 55 results…