### Problems with the current state:
Currently, Spring Data Redis allows marshalling (serializing) POJOs using Redis Hashes with `@RedisHash` annotation. This approach doesn’t allow efficiently sto…
Adding a ResourceServerConfigurerAdapter
protected static class OAuth2ResourceConfig extends ResourceServerConfigurerAdapter { }
to oauth demo at
Additional methods foun in JpaRepository could be added here.
See this: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-data-jpa/blob/master/src/main/java/org/springframework/data/jpa/repository/support/Sim…
When using the OpenAiChatClient of SpringAI to call the output stream method, the error message keeps getting: Error processing chat completion -- Java. lang. NullPointerException: null
Instead of …
Try reducing amount of custom code by using [newly introduced](https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/issues/25230) method `registerCustomCache`.
- https://github.com/spring-…
The .txt file will be updated regularly according to the progress
After running this sample application ([ai-openai-rag](https://github.com/rd-1-2022/ai-openai-rag)) I noticed that there are 12 entries in the vector_store table, but the page_number field (in the met…
Many projects in the Java ecosystem support the use of their annotations as meta-annotations (Spring Framework, JUnit 5, etc.); however, AspectJ currently does not support the use of annotations such …
**[fstonezst](https://jira.spring.io/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=fstonezst)** opened **[DATAREDIS-1054](https://jira.spring.io/browse/DATAREDIS-1054?redirect=false)** and commented
Jackson support T…
in [`spring-session`](https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-session/search?q=spring%3Asession%3Asessions&type=code) project, `spring:session:sessions` is used as default name.
so may `:` be valid…