Hello :)
I like to combine sticky header and filter widget and i have noticed the following issue:
$("#myTable").tablesorter({ widgets: ['zebra', 'filter', 'stickyHeaders'] });
First, if 'fi…
innc updated
13 years ago
Hello :)
I use StickyHeader and jQuery UI theme together and noticed this issue:
I scroll down at browser, so sticky headers appear. These sticky headers are still clickable for asc/desc sorting, bu…
innc updated
12 years ago
Hello :)
I have noticed the following issue, if you reduce much the width of the browser, then header name and desc/asc symbols will overlap. In my opinion this doesn't look nice.
Picture example fo…
innc updated
12 years ago
Hello :)
I noticed a different effect for setting sorter false for a column by two different methods:
(I inserted '.' inside HTML code to display tags here)
Method 1 to disable sorter for column 0: …
innc updated
12 years ago