## 代码如下:
import {Share} from 'vue3-social-share';
import 'vue3-social-share/lib/index.css'
.affix-container {
background-color: var(--c-bg, #fff);
👋🏻 Hello! I (and Cypress) use your [custom icons plugin](https://github.com/antfu/unplugin-icons#custom-icons) via the Unplugin ecosystem. Thanks for all the great work! I'm interested in adding suppo…
In looking at potential good issues to debug and fix as a contributor to Glance, I noticed there's many deprecated dependencies when running `npm install`, and I'm unable to successfully run `npm run …
Очень нужны документация и пример. Перечитал перепроверил два закрытых тикета. Прочитав их добился что вроде как начинает компилироваться, но выдает
`Error: Cannot read properties of undefined (readi…
Voral updated
10 months ago
### Describe the bug
SyntaxError: The requested module '/node_modules/.vite/deps/axios.js?v=bc297318' does not provide an export named 'AxiosInstance'
[Vue Router warn]: Unexpected error when starti…
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'start')
14:33:14.211 at createBlock (C:\Own\new\lipin-wxmini\node_modules\@vue\compiler-sfc\dist\compiler-sfc.cjs.js:1992:31)
### Describe the bug
Working on a revision to `@carbon/charts-react` to use `@storybook/react-vite` instead of `@storybook/react` (Webpack).
When I run `npx storybook dev -p 9006`, the Storybook…
前言 整活 开发调试 注意事项 前言 在使用了一段时间的Hbuilder…
打包成h5,内嵌到原生app,在ios手机(iPhone 13pro)下页面展示空白,白屏
1. ios白屏后,查看日志,看到错误日志: polyfills-modern.49d23c7f.js文件找不到(No such file or directory)
- 你当前是什么框架(必填):uniapp
- 你使用的是哪个包(必填):npm install @lucky-canvas/uni@latest
- 你当前插件的版本(必填):0.0.10
- 当前环境是小程序还是浏览器(选填):
uni-app vue3编译到小程序
- 详细描述你的bug: