My end goal is to annotate a VCF file with mappability scores, but in spot checking annotations for some mutation sites with the UCSC Genome Browser, I noticed some inconsistencies. Specifically, I an…
### Issue type
### Have you reproduced the bug with TensorFlow Nightly?
### Source
### TensorFlow version
### Custom code
### OS platform and distribution
!wget -c https://nihcc.box.com/shared/static/vfk49d74nhbxq3nqjg0900w5nvkorp5c.gz # 3.6 GB
!wget -c https://nihcc.box.com/shared/static/i28rlmbvmfjbl8p2n3ril0pptcmcu9d1.gz # 3.7 GB
!wget -c https:…
Y'all have been so amazingly helpful with bugs and errors, but every once and a while I find a tidbit that my perusing of the issues/documentation can't seem to meet. I'm sure I'm also overlooking som…
## User story
>As a user
>I want to be able to pull GigaDB dataset metadata from the API
>So that I can gather details about datasets for futher analysis
## Acceptance criteria
>Given I…
Given the following toy test:
- it: When specifying jar dependencies, each dependency is appropriately listed for download
- some_jar.jar
fiz a instalaçao do zabbix e do grafana,apos efetuar o dowload do plugin do zabbizx em meu servidor nao foi possivel iniciar na area manutençao>plugins>zabbix o serviço grafana foi reiniciado com suce…
Hello, I am trying to download some rather large observations from ASVO to our group's supercomputer through giant-squid. It is very common for the download to fail (see attached screenshot for exampl…
### Kyverno Version
### Description
### Extra Info:
- The cluster is running cilium without kubeproxy.
- No cluster network policies are applied through cilium.
- The nodes in the EKS …
Recognize wget like curl
Example user agent: