Hi, I find that content of point:[] in the xx_mpii_relpath_5sec_testsub.json file generated by tracker.py is empty,. and the reason is that all the values of pose_score are less than drop value. Is th…
generating bbox from Faster RCNN...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "demo-alpha-pose.py", line 22, in
from newnms.nms import soft_nms
File "/home/luoyuncen/AlphaPose/human-detect…
I have read the README.md in the folder named train,it seems that it is just a single person pose estimator.How can i train the whole model in paper by myself.
Environment:ubuntu 16.04;cuda 9.0.176;cuDNN 7.0.5;TensorFlow 1.6.0(gpu).
Reference to [#10](url:https://github.com/MVIG-SJTU/AlphaPose/issues/10) [#3](url:https://github.com/MVIG-SJTU/AlphaPose/issue…
Unable to open file: name = '/home/zlc/network/alphapose/examples/results/pose/test-pose.h5
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/zlc/Network/AlphaPose/examples/results/POSE/alpha-pose…
/home/liutl/torch7/install/bin/luajit: /home/liutl/torch7/install/share/lua/5.1/trepl/init.lua:389: module 'threads' not found:No LuaRocks module found for threads
no field package.preload['threads'…
An error occurred when I used it to test my own video,
convert video to images...
./run.sh: line 55: ffmpeg: command not found
generating bbox from Faster RCNN...
Hi , I follow each steps and got the following error when I run the run.sh command as show on guide , pls help, thanks!
generating bbox from Faster RCNN...
Traceback (most recent call last):
Hi, I followed the instruction to install AlphaPose, but when I run the test demo, it comes out this error. How to solve this. Thanks.
~/project/AlphaPose$ ./run.sh --indir examples/demo/ --outdir…
Hi, what I need to do with it? I saw issues with the same error, but they didn't help me
~/Projects/AlphaPose$ ./run.sh --indir examples/demo/ --outdir examples/results/ --mode fast --sep