# そもそもWEB APIについて
> 「HTTPを利用してネットワーク越しに処理を実行して結果を受け取る仕組み」
Error: Signature Version 3 requests are deprecated from March 1, 2021. From that date on, we are progressively rejecting such requests. To resolve the issue you must migrate to Signature Version 4. If…
I've noticed that when fetching GetLowestOfferListingsForASIN with more than 9 ASIN's (API supports up to 20), that the code below breaks the request and amazon gives signing errors:
I'm creating an integration that requires me to know the specific person that said a command to alexa, as configured by Voice ID. This information is available in the **personsInfo** object of an acti…
I want to upload the video file to S3. I found out that the file permission is private. But I want to make the file permission as Public. I didn't find any way to set file permission as public. I am w…
Narek Gevorgyan
The Best Way to Reach Out to You:
Feature Title:
Building Apps with Amazon DocumentDB
Feature Description:
Talk is about how developers can quickly build Saa…
s3cmd info shows ETag as MD5 sum. But "The entity tag may or may not be an MD5 digest of the object data." https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/API_CompleteMultipartUpload.html#API_Complete…
### Documentation Link
### Description
Need to specify how to properly con…
Update connectors in the two SK learn site pages in the GitHub repo here: https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/semantic-kernel-pr
[Supported languages for Semantic Kernel | Microsoft Learn](https://l…
>**Note**: If your question is regarding the AWS Amplify Console service, please log it in the
[official AWS Amplify Console forum](https://forums.aws.amazon.com/forum.jspa?forumID=314&start=0)