Home page API added successfully
Nowadays, different vendors have different categories, development guidelines, and implementations for developing Miniapp APIs. The cost of writing multiple sets of code for different vendors is obvio…
Various routes need to be added to support /addreport API such as:
Edit Report
Update Status etc..
I've been chatting through some ideas with @Holben888:
> I do think there's a place for dynamic content tho, like supporting Go files instead of JSON files in `/content`. These could export a funct…
API 大部分都還沒實作(2020/11/11),開工前注意
- [ ] `POST` login
- [x] `GET` /api/Article/{board}
- [x] `GET` /api/Article/{board}/{file}
- [ ] `GET` /api/Rank/{boa…
Here we're exploring API suggestions that might be handy or help with handling [README#precautions](https://github.com/kosich/rxjs-autorun#%EF%B8%8F-precautions):
1. Expression with explicit depend…
APIs are documented purely in code now, opening up the swagger JSON endpoint would go quite a ways towards an easier dev experience.
I'm getting below error with Python 2.7.13 as well as with Python 3.6
C:\_GITHUB\sw2ps (master)
(REST3) λ python sw2ps.py http://ipadress:port/swagger.json
Traceback (most recent call la…
Faltan realizar algunas APIS, la de clases y complementos en principio.
Currently implemented APIs:
1. to post a `question`:
`/api/question` with the `body` parameter
`question: {"messageText":String,"messageTitle":String,"messageTags":Array,"messageAuthor":ObjectID}`