Is this plugin meant to create these directories or is it an issue with xxh instead?
source xxh.zsh +if +q cloud-desktop
[oh-my-zsh] plugin 'zsh-apple-touchbar' not found
[oh-my-zsh] plugin …
### 问题类型 / Type of issues
* 其它 / other
这是继 #1739 之后的又一次大扫除。请各位按列表检查自己名下的包,如果有意继续维护就勾选掉,如果不想管了、不记得了、好像没什么用了之类的,就留在那里。一个月之后还没有被勾选的包,我会发起 orphaning 流程。记得可以直接编辑留言,而不必用鼠标逐个点击。
Hello! There is a house in New Oceans, they call the Rising Snail!
When I'm using network drives (i.e. [FUSE filesystem over Google Drive](https://github.com/astrada/google-drive-ocamlfuse)) I see…
Hi guys, thanks for building Albert, it works really well for me so far except a minor thing on Terminal Extension.
I have a alias `v` which is a wrapper of autojump + vim. I usually use it l…
Rolled from #629.
### Cooking
- [x] audit and adapt all plugins for macOS
- [x] compile-in Alexey Tourbin's QSORT macro
- [x] support Nerd Font patched icons [`make O_NERD=1`]
- [x] auto-gene…
jarun updated
4 years ago
Hi, I have used this script hundreds of times and this is the first time I have this problem. I think it is related to what @Guiraud says #6 .
lxc-start: eb-buster: tools/lxc_start.c: main: 280 …
in gardener-robot we have ./diag shoot_url and shoot information is displayed, we would like to implement sth like this in gardenctl
**What did you expect to happen?**
Pressing `TAB` in eshell after `find-file ` or `e ` should give completions.
**What actually happened?**
Emacs outputs `Wrong type argument: stringp, nil`…
With the code snippet below, I get `The specified network name is no longer available` when I connect to a specific host at ``.
I've verified that the snippet works fine with other hosts.…
I host some repos on my personal server, and the new version of fisher seems to assume that it is a github repository anyway:
❯ fisher add kiani.io/repos/autojump
fetching https://codeload.…