**Describe the bug**
German translation confirm passphrase overlays confirm button
**Steps to reproduce:**
1. Load german translation
2. Enter passphrase on device
3. Observe text and confirm b…
I am trying to run this software on my Apple silicon Mac, and cannot get it to run. This error was already posted a month ago, but since there was no fix I decided to post it again.
This is the er…
Sorry,I am a novice. i use electron to make my desktop app. i realy like BGM.i want control other app volume in my electron app.
BGM has some 'api'? nodejs can use it? Or offer some ideas.
Hi there,
I am using electron-webpack to pack sql.js into an electron app, but getting the below errors.
The first error appears to have an issue with the `sql-wasm.wasm` file.
Uncaught Synt…
Thanks to https://github.com/evanw/node-source-map-support/pull/79 this supports Electron already (an environment where we are both in a "browser" and in "node").
It might be good to do the same log…
Would there be any way of being able to run arbitrary Coffee/JavaScript with access to the Atom/Electron environment? (I know this can already be done in the console, but would be more convenient to r…
debug electron app
Chromium dev tool for Renderer Process;
MenuItem 的click函数的参数(item, focusedWindow)
在VSCode里调试Main Process;
根目录下创建目录.vscode 加入launch.json,内容是
"version": "0.2.0",
Menu 是 只能直接用于主线程的
Electron 赋予了对application menu 和 contextual menu的 完全控制
menu一般需要使用Menu 和MenuItem来实现
application 级别的创建:
let template = [
label: 'xxooxo',
role: '',
app.dock.bounce(['critical', 'informational']);在激活的情况下不会发生,有时需要配合setTimeout一起使用
Electron 是chromium和nodejs的混合物
任何的webapp/nodejs app可以运行在Electron里
Electron由两个组件组成,node组件处理系统级别的事情(文件系统访问,编译模块支持,和Commonjs的模块支持);Chromium组件则是render html/css/js引擎和全套的w…