* terminal で git 操作でコトが足りない訳ではないが、気持ち悪い
Well. After updating to ef0ce465fea50ebb9196fec66ed29ba166ee0415 turns out that I now experience this bug when saving a file to disk (C-x C-s):
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argume…
I am running a doom emacs based configuration as in this [link](https://github.com/gpetrini/.doom.d). It works fine when I run a R chunk in org-mode. However, when I run the same code in an org-file w…
With `emacs -q` when editing in `haskell-mode` and having `flymake-mode` enabled, flymake frequently creates a new process and a handle for the temporary file, quickly exhausting the limit for open fi…
**What did you expect to happen?**
Start a emacs with smooth fonts and with `all-the-icons` rendered properly.
**What actually happened?**
The fonts and the icons are completely broken.
I was using ESS and *thought* I had flymake support but realized it never flagged any of my errors. After looking at the flymake log buffer, I noticed that `lintr` was falling down because it was tryi…
I'm using python3 on Mac and in my init.el (https://gist.github.com/wonbyte/94bd93004af33b1282184b4bb5bb688e) I have installed and setup elpy using the following:
(add-hook 'python-mode-…
Eldoc signature flickers:
I tried with vanilla Emacs and it's the sam…
I'm creating this issue just to be notified if/when flymake support gets implemented
I upgraded `doom-emacs` to [this point](https://github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs/commit/39bb3aa72da06187b35e64bdc55dbe7190de63da) today.
When I restarted emacs, none `SPC` key worked and everythi…