Notes from 1/13/15
Don’t start updates until we get clarification from Sage after discussing with Janice and Carrie.
Ready for Development updates, but Joe to discuss with Allan issues of jumping …
Working config
ruby 2.6.2
rails 5.2.4
delayed_job 4.1.8
config.active_job.queue_adapter = :delayed_job
This is the issue for design of the UI for citation extraction.
It is not clear to me at this point whether citations will require backend support or can be done entirely on the front-end using exi…
dethe updated
6 years ago
This is simultaneously a test run for me to add an issue, and an actual 'issue' that occurred to me while working through the precourse.
So, this is what I wanted to suggest:
In the Javascript …
Click to expand!
### Issue Type
### Source
### Tensorflow Version
### Custom Code
### OS Platform and Distribution
### Mobile device
_No response_
### P…
# 关于
Hi 👋, I’m Xav1er Introduction I’m Ziming Su, a junior in HDU(Hangzhou Dianzi University) and major in Telecommunication-Engineering. I’m a front-end developer and focus on web …
### Prerequisite
We are looking forward to having you on our team. Please make sure to attend the general Hack for LA onboarding to get the process started https://meetup.com/hackforla/events.
### Prerequisite
We are looking forward to having you on our team. Please make sure to attend the general Hack for LA onboarding to get the process started https://meetup.com/hackforla/events.
### Prerequisite
We are looking forward to having you on our team. Please make sure to attend the general Hack for LA onboarding to get the process started https://meetup.com/hackforla/events.
It seems any libraries we use via CDN defined in the `public/index.html` in plugins do not load. Instead, it has to be placed on the front-end in order for it to load. The librarie…