After a try to deploy a big ear (which is working perfectly in glassfish 6) the command deploy never ends (though it seems it has finished) and `asadmin` doesn't respond to any command. I have attache…
If you have quotes round the value of the java.security.policy JVM option in a domain.xml file the domain file processor does not remove them before using the value to set java.security.policy. If a s…
I am running an application with Helidon MP (2.2.0) and then I am using Couchbase Java Client and that's causing me this weird exception:
SEVERE: Default error handler: Unhandled exception encounte…
I am not sure if this is the intended behavior.
If it is, I would have expected it to fail before the actual method invocation.
When using
public interface MyAsyncResponse extends AsyncResponse {
Attached patch specifies new DeploymentMojo parameter which is passed to deploy command as parameter --type. This enables to deploy OSGi bundles to GF via glassfish:deploy.
**Known issue**: If activ…
org.glassfish.jersey:project has a dependency on org.glassfish.hk2:osgi-resource-locator:1.0.1 which is a seriously outdated version that references a repository that no longer exists (http://maven.gl…
I am using jersey with the grizzly HTTP server and I am getting this error:
Jan 05, 2023 1:18:00 PM org.glassfish.jersey.server.wadl.WadlFeature configure
WARNING: JAXBContext implementation co…
GlassFish makes the custom reason phrase disabled if the following jvm option is set to GlassFish.
According to Java Doc of HttpServ…
Followed all the steps mentioned in the Readme with karaf 4.2.11. The feature got installed and Web UI comes up after that. Clicking on the increment button doesn't do anything. In the browser network…
Is there a support for client implementation ?
I would like to be able to declare an interface, annotated for the declaration of the REST API and then :
* Implement it on server side
* Ins…