A few things to consider before submitting an issue:
0. We write documentation for a reason, if you have not read it and are
having problems with Reaver these pages are required reading before
A few things to consider before submitting an issue:
0. We write documentation for a reason, if you have not read it and are
having problems with Reaver these pages are required reading before
A few things to consider before submitting an issue:
0. We write documentation for a reason, if you have not read it and are
having problems with Reaver these pages are required reading before
A few things to consider before submitting an issue:
0. We write documentation for a reason, if you have not read it and are
having problems with Reaver these pages are required reading before
A few things to consider before submitting an issue:
0. We write documentation for a reason, if you have not read it and are
having problems with Reaver these pages are required reading before
A few things to consider before submitting an issue:
0. We write documentation for a reason, if you have not read it and are
having problems with Reaver these pages are required reading before
## User Story
As a new VFS team member, I need to complete onboarding activities so I can successfully work on my project and support the VA.gov Platform.
## How to fill out this ticket
- [X] Add…
## Description of the issue
Physical Clipper cards do not appear to scan. I tried my card and my wife's card. It scans fine in NFC tools (granted, it provides no meaningful information). Card also …
### What would this gadget do?
This gadget creates a 3D UI object that serves as a macropad, allowing a user to perform various actions to streamline workflow. Integration into programs like Photos…
This project looks abandoned. Did you figure out more about t…