A question from Ethan Gruber here: how do we upload IIIF images into Recogito? Is it possible to do that without downloading them?
This below ought to be valid
"@context": "http://iiif.io/api/presentation/2/context.json",
"@id": "http://iiif-dev.freizo.org/iiifp.cgi/13502_0000_comments",
"@type": "sc:AnnotationLi…
Some HTML markup is allowed in certain IIIF Presentation manifest metadata fields. But if they contain absolute URL links, those links do not show up properly because Mirador tries to convert them int…
JSON schema for validating the Manifest is available:
Rectangle annotations are not produced as #xywh fragments, or with a FragmentSelector, as recommended by both the IIIF and Annotation specifications. Instead they are SVG path elements that greatly r…
The [Evaluation and Testing](https://iiif.io/community/policy/editorial/#evaluation-and-testing) criteria in the IIIF Editorial Process are:
> In order to be considered ready for final review, new …
In 1.0 and 2.0 there is the opportunity for multi-lingual properties, such as described here:
(which hasn't changed from 1.0)
An example in-the-…
The [example manifest response](https://iiif.io/api/presentation/3.0/#b-example-manifest-response) uses the HTTPS version of the licence page resulting in an invalid JSON for the current sche…
In the [Segments](http://iiif.io/api/presentation/2.1/#segments) section of the Presentation API 2.1 an example shows that as part of a `oa:SpecificResource` a link to the full image is included using…
Dobrý den,
v pragensijním oddělení padl návrh, že by virtuální sbírky mohly být řazeny do kategorií. Máme jich už docela dost a začíná to být nepřehledné.
Možnost strukturovat sbírky do stromové…