Running the latest version 2.29.4, the following LUA error is generated when logged in:
2x Kui_Nameplates/addon.lua:222: attempt to index global 'ClassNameplateBarDruidFrame' (a nil value)
so i have this issue, when i join a group, the more the player the more the game freezes (like for 10sec when joining a full raid), also, when someone im in group with change spec, small freez…
+ Soal kuis [kuis_sode.pdf](https://github.com/dudung/fi4002-01-2022-2/files/11107390/kuis_sode.pdf)
+ Kerjakan sesuai dengan petunjuk yang dibeirkan.
+ Isi kehadiran di SIX
+ Datang ke kelas bila …
Hello, i really liked KUI nameplate on classic.
Is it possible to have a tbc 2.4.3 version please ?
This is on a Druid. Error occurs whenever I approach enemies. Also noticed that the targeted mob no longer stands out from mobs around it. Not sure how better to describe the issue or what other info …
+ Baca soal berikut [ini](https://github.com/dudung/fi4002-01-2022-2/files/11379237/kuis_uas_v3.pdf).
+ Kerjakan di sini dan juga di [Edunex](https://edunex.itb.ac.id/courses/44705/preview/167591/725…
Karu kiiver ei muutu punaseks kui ta pihta saab.
Mutikese käsi ei muutu punaseks kui ta pihta saab.
De themaboom wordt te zwaar. [In dit bestand](https://vlbr.sharepoint.com/:x:/r/teams/DA-Interprovincialewerking/Gedeelde%20documenten/Redactiegroep%20PinC/Kwaliteitscontrole/Controlebestanden/themabo…
Is there a way to change existing table range?
For example:
1. Get table by name
2. Set new range instead let's say "A1:P8000" to "A1:P1000"
Thank you in advance.
Me tahame, et mängija saaks igas mängu etapis eraldi välja lülitada taustahelid ja mängu heliefektid.
## Kriteeriumid
- heliefektide nupp on olemas ja jääb samale asukohale (kõlari ikoon)
- taustam…