A simple demonstration is at https://jsfiddle.net/t42co8ks/2/
Simply, binding the other modules to page causes the first module to redraw, even if they are not even related.
Is this a known behavio…
...continuation of #101
The view layer is now in final form.
Hopefully this discussion will be the last needed prior to v2.0.0 release and focused mostly on ironing out the router.
Some inte…
[18:19:04] [main/INFO]: Loading tweak class name net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker
[18:19:05] [main/INFO]: Using primary tweak class name net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLTwe…
When conditionally rendering vnode.children, they will frequently be rendered twice, and when the conditional is false again only some children instances are removed. In Chrome this can cause a buildu…
I'm heavily using a small helper to generate classnames.
const classy = def => Object.keys(def).filter(class => def[class]).join(' ')
I think it would be great to have that built in.
# Summary
When trying to set up Travis for my project [scalajs-mithril](https://github.com/Technius/scalajs-mithril), I discovered that using the latest version of Node (version 8 at this time) cau…
Rewrite work is in progress in the [rewrite-universal branch](https://github.com/ArthurClemens/polythene/tree/rewrite-universal). Besides a pure conversion I am also taking the opportunity to make a f…
Hi there, nice approach, I'm just trying it out...
After some trouble to start I made the example in the README of S.js work except by the `×`, it shows exactly like that and not as "×"…
Hi @adamhaile only small problem in beta3 `npm install && npm run build & npm run` test cannot be work from fresh copy. PR is not required please add "s-js": "^0.4.5" and as dependencies and
Opening a new issue only to get this on the radar; I am not able to prioritize this for the next two weeks as the CEO is in town an I am demoing the proof-of-concept and will be in strategic meetings.…