An important point is to clarify in our published report whether we are defining a general means to describe existing protocol usage, e.g. current devices and IoT standards, or we are prescribing how …
I'm quite baffled here. downloaded & installed webthings-gateway-ubuntu-bionic-amd64.deb. Had to install nodejs >10. This is on a Linux mint 18.1 machine.
there does not seem to be documentation on…
I'm trying to install this in a more manual approach.
`pi@gateway:~/.mozilla-iot/addons/voice-addon/deps$ ./install_deps.sh install`
leads to:
Archive: dependencies.zip
i used a pulse to turn a gpio back off since it shouldn't stay on for longer than a second but now i basically have the same button twice.
it would be great if things could be hidden or grouped
It seems that the first time the zigbee add-on is installed, it throws an error because it's missing a file which, I assume, it hasn't generated yet.
2020-02-04 17:01:19.091 INFO : Expanding…
As a user I want to install the gateway application from an rpm package on my existing Fedora system so I can run the gateway alongside other software.
I was attempting to follow along with the [Adding a new device](https://github.com/mozilla-iot/zwave-adapter/blob/e1f29eca481fdb141dca3cde621cc9ca3e1e0acf/Adding-a-new-device.md) guide and I ran into …
I can't find it on nuget.org
I have multiple properties and I realized, that when I call multiple `deviceX.changedValueOrNull()` methods inside the loop function to check if any changes happened, my whole program is behaving very…
I recently added an Etekcity dimmer switch to my webthings. My Etekcity switch and outlets are working fine, but it cannot find the new dimmer switch. The log shows the error: 020-03-08 12:46:59.88…