Sid will give @eelzi-ONRR access to a temporary licenses to be able to pull accessibility reports for our website. Sid will also send a training video.
Thank you very much for this wonderful repository. I have installed pyradiomics using docker. When I use it to extract radiomic features, I met the 'Image/Mask geometry mismatch' error.
`sudo …
Some of the provided nrrd images have a different format, especially in the labels. Some of the labels are saved with label integers [0,1] and some are [1,2] and [2,3]. We need to have the same settin…
Yearly source file is pointing to monthly, need to update it to point to yearly.
https://revenuedata.doi.gov/downloads/production/ instead of https://revenuedata.doi.gov/downloads/production-by-mont…
@greensomes implemented a fix in dev. I would like us to test all the pages that were identified in the OCIO report with this issue. @lpgoldstein can you make a list of all the pages in this issue and…