Reporters must be able to use existing business reports in the reporting software to enable cross-application reports about experiments and to ensure that reporting stays simple
Impacted users: Rep…
* `netcoreapp2.1`
* `System.Data.OleDB 4.6.0`
Calling `OleDbTransaction.Commit` throws this exception:
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: ''SQLNCLI11' failed with no error message available,…
Now that Odbc & OleDb are available in .NetStandard, linq2db now supports both:
* [AccessODBCDataProvider](https://github.com/linq2db/linq2db/blob/master/Source/LinqToDB/DataProvider/Access/AccessODB…
I've been using System.Data.OleDB in my .NET Core 3.1 project to query OleDB database and when I'm querying the database the program crashes (randomly) and without any exception and I get this…
`build!`ing `Windows::Win32::FileSystem::NetShareEnum` generates:
#[link(name = "srvcli")]
extern "system" {
pub fn NetShareEnum(
servername: super::SystemServices::PWSTR,
According to the page:
> In .NET Framework applications (but not in .NET Core applications), finalizers are also called when the program exits.
However, given the following code, it appears the fi…
Found this issue while running OLEDB outerloop tests on the CI machines with Spanish locale. (Initially reported in PR https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/pull/38024)
The failure seems to be in Spanis…
There are a few structs in https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/blob/master/src/libraries/System.Data.OleDb/src/OleDbStruct.cs which were built with a Pack attribute value of 2 for x86 architecture.
Assert.Equal() Failure Expected: 0 Actual: 1
at XmlConvertTests.XmlConvertTests.RunTestCase(CTestBase testCase) in d:\j\workspace\dotnet_corefx_outerloop\src\…
Configuration: OuterLoop_Fedora24_debug ([build#115](https://ci.dot.net/job/dotnet_corefx/job/master/job/outerloop_fedora24_debug/115/testReport/))
Failed test: System.Xml.Tests.XmlConvertTests.ToT…