Eetu pulled this query out of recon and we should use to drive the verification lookup:
``` sparql
PREFIX rdfs:
PREFIX skos:
PREFIX text:
The functions isIRI/isBLANK always return true/false for inferred
bindings whether the bound value is a BNode or not.
This behaviour was observed with the Windows (Windows XP) and
the Linux version (…
Collaborating institutions for author suggested by Egon Willighagen https://twitter.com/egonwillighagen/status/807230510267244544
select (count(distinct ?work) as ?count) ?affiliation2 ?affi…
Currently the property has range of string. But this allows users to use strings like yes or true as a value, or no or false. This either needs to be a boolean, which makes more sense since we can't e…
``` sparql
PREFIX rdfs:
?uniprot a up:Protein ;
up:mnemonic ?protein_name ;
rdfs:seeAlso ?db .
?updrugbank up:database .
Create a base class with a __repr__ method to enable print/debug views of any individual instance of any CIM object.
This will require changes to the XSLT transform. This feature may also require a…
as well as no rdfs:label, that would REALLY useful
# Questions inspired by hbp_cell_ontology classes
Is there a curation manual for these classifications?
Issues with Thick vs Thin -> Thick vs Narrow/Slender. Is there a different between narrow an…
A named SWRL implication rule corresponds to an OML ChainRule.
In OML, a ChainRule has an IRI, which is, the IRI of the OML TerminologyBox with the OML ChainRule label as IRI fragment. Identifying …
When serializing as either N3 or TTL, empty `owl:equivalentClass [ ]` and `rdfs:subClassOf [ ]` statements cause Protégé to fail to load the respective files. Is this an issue with the rdflib serializ…