Using Rider 2024.2.7 and Zenburn plugin version 0.1.6
Also tested with some 2023 version of Rider (don't recall exatly which one) and had the same issue
G-force is a way to measure rapid acceleration or deceleration commonly experienced by astronauts, pilots, race-car drivers and roller coaster riders. We measure g-force with the unit g, where one g e…
As a rider I want to publish my offer to a certain guild or a specific driver.
If you create a new project and a new Shader file in Rider you will notice that Rider already complains about some variables inside of the shader like _Glossiness or _Metallic... Rider wants to renam…
Be able to create, test, and deploy an ECS application in the IDE. Create a new application that includes source code, Dockerfile, and a CloudFormation template that defines your application's resourc…
com.microsoft.alm.plugin.external.exceptions.ToolException: KEY_TF_HOME_NOT_SET
at com.microsoft.alm.plugin.external.tools.TfTool.getValidLocation(TfTool.java:64)
at com.microsoft.alm.plugin.exter…
I'm using create-react-app with typescript and grpc-web, grpc & proto generated with command:
$(protoc) -I $(proto_dir) $(proto_dir)/ride.proto --js_out=import_style=commonjs:./rider/typescript/…
Have a good day.
Our team uses various tools: VS2019, VS Code and JB Rider, JB WebStorm.
We want to have a tool for collaborative development for all IDE.
The live share could be such a tool, bu…
Model from Rider for inspiration :)
classdef("TextControlTuple") {
field("id", TextControlId)
field("textControl", LastFocusedTextControl)