What functionality should be accessible? How should we access it? What is core? What exists already in a usable state? (see StatsBase.jl, MLBase.jl, MachineLearning.jl, ...) What should be wrapped/…
I like that you've kicked this off with real code, but I hope that you're still open to re-thinking everything from the ground up. This may involve changing or replacing code that you already have, b…
@Evizero I'm working on a new recurrent neural net framework within OnlineAI, and I'm considering whether I can switch the loss models to those in LearnBase. I see you haven't pushed any updates in a…
Google's TensorFlow benchmarks are here!
I've run the benchmarks on the Imagenet Winners.
When I saw issues with the numbers, memory etc., I emailed @Yangqing to confirm what I'm seeing, and that it…
I guess we should have the option that we can import our assets from excel file and also we can use our local avatar file instead of use gavatar.com
### Save the Date: Wednesday, March 20, 2013, starting at 6:30 pm
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