A few crucial areas that P2300 can cover require clarification on cooperative semantics. Cooperative API involves multiple threads working together towards a shared aim. For instance, let's consider t…
BPO | [8800](https://bugs.python.org/issue8800)
--- | :---
Nosy | @jcea, @pitrou, @kristjanvalur, @tiran, @njsmith, @asvetlov, @ofek, @elarivie
Files | [rwlock.patch](https://bugs.python.org/file17448…
Actionable Steps:
- [x] Modify `Sender[t]` and `Receiver[t]` types to carry a region (e.g. `Sender[t, r]`).
- [x] Modify `Channel.{buffered, unbuffered}` to take a region parameters.
- [x] Modify a…
review ends - 2022/06/02
As [reported on the User's Forum](https://users.rust-lang.org/t/rust-is-slow-semi-clickbait/21896/36?u=johnthagen), installing the `rust-docs` component on Windows 10 is currently very slow compared t…
Make 2 Concurrent Requests:
GET /10
Each will give back a number. Calculate the Fibonacci for each given number, but during calculation, once a second make a request to:
GET /10?
This bug is causing modules to crash and the overall scan to hang.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/root/bbot/bbot/modules/base.py", line 353, in _worker
await self.handle_eve…
I like the goals you have with fondant. I also believe data processing at scale is quite important for ML.
I have similar goals with img2dataset, clip-retrieval, video2dataset and cc2datas…
### TL;DR
To allow users to take advantage of the latest JDK18 and JDK19 features such as [Virtual Threads](https://openjdk.org/jeps/425), the [Simple Web Server](https://openjdk.java.net/jeps/408)…