I have another problem that I try to match tacotron2 [https://github.com/begeekmyfriend/tacotron2](url) ,but the generated audio only have noise.
The TTS params is already match diffwave, i found th…
I am trying to train a model for text to speech in German.. I Have been able to train the model using espeak-ng backend, but at inference time I cant get the model to do inference. I am using A…
Hi Thorsten,
fist of all thanks for the nice dataset. Out of curiosity I was training a FastPitch model on it using my repo: https://github.com/as-ideas/ForwardTacotron
Here is a sample vocoded…
I am training a Tacotron2 model with my custom dataset in Hindi.
Dataset Details: 25 hours of data, 22 KHz, 16 bit, Single Female Speaker
Issue: The training is very slow, and the loss s…
I am using 4GPUs for training TTS model and I have 24G ram on each GPU.
To speech up the process I changed the number of batch bins from 5120000 to 20400000 however, I didnt gain any speed!
**Describe the bug**
When running inference twice in the colab, different results are obtained. I am aware that one can use a manual seed https://github.com/espnet/espnet/issues/2647
### Describe the bug
Failes to output anything. Using python 3.10.5 on Gentoo and tried installing from pip and locally.
Command: tts --text "this is a test" --out_path /tmp/outtest.wav
### To Re…
### Describe the bug
I'm trying to run Tacotron2 training, but receives `RuntimeError: Expected all tensors to be on the same device, but found at least two devices, cuda:0 and cpu!`
### To Reprod…