**Home Assistant release with the issue:**
**Last working Home Assistant release (if known):**
**Operating environment (Hass.io/Docker/Windows/etc.):**
ASUS Tinkerboard, Tin…
The todoist api [provides a way](https://developer.todoist.com/sync/v7/#quick-add-task) to use their language parsing similar to the web client when adding tasks. This would be a handy way to not have…
User from Chrome Webstore:
> Hello, when creating a time entry in ToDoIst, is it possible to add automatically in the Toggl entry the same project and tags than in the ToDIst task ?
usar a API do Todoist em uma nova função do Webtask.io para obter todos os itens feitos
![vacation project](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13461315/44313283-c7c7ff00-a3d3-11e8-936d-d59755d…
The pytodoist.todoist.Color class only refers to the first 12 colors for projects. The color mapping for labels and for filters is different. See attached spreadsheet:
[ToDoist Color options.xlsx](…
I'm seeing a phantom completion of some tasks about 15 minutes apart even though I didn't complete it twice. Unable to re-produce locally yet. Recommend adding print statements to investigate:
The Todoist API has started returning a 400 error when adding a task:
> Invalid argument value ({"threshold":1,"expected":"minlen","argument":"temp_id"})
Please update the published version of the…
Is there any chance that you will support the new [Todoist v8 Rest API](https://developer.todoist.com/rest/v8/) with this library?
I'm trying to build v19.5.3.8-stable tag, without `-DENABLE_EMBEDDED_COMPILER:BOOL=False` it couldn't be built with the error from the folowwing log.
**Operating system**: Arch Linux with next inst…
It looks like in todoist/util/network_helper.rb, it needs a `require 'openssl'` to work. I'm getting an error when I try the `@client.misc_quick.add_item("my item")`, and adding the "require" seemed …