Opening twitch.tv gives out Warning: unresponsive script.
If I stop the script then twitch does not load.
If let continued results in 100% CPU usage and the wheel of death.
Opening m.twitch.tv (mo…
Presets to be made for..:
* twitch light theme
* twitch dark theme
* ffz dark theme
* bttv dark theme
- Name change: when someone keeps the same ID and changes their name.
- Aliases: when someone has a completely different account.
### 🧐 问题描述
加速Twitch功能是否可以与 https://github.com/Windows200000/TwitchDropsMiner-updated 搭配使用
### 🚑 其他信息
### Is there an existing issue for this?
- [X] I have searched the existing issues
### Current Behavior
When importing users to Firebot using the standard import tool in the Viewer Database, some p…
we need yotube player instead of twitch player
### Is there an existing issue outlining your problem?
- [X] I am using the latest version of the provided userstyle.
- [X] I have searched the existing issues and they do not solve my problem.
### …
New data is available for shared chat messages:
* source_broadcaster_user_name
* source_badges
Not sure if we want to render the badges of the chatter for the source channel, but definitely want to …
i am unable to make the bot respond it chat or even get it to join. this is what the console outputs when i got it up and running
```:tmi.twitch.tv 001 itsmeoskii :Welcome, GLHF!
:tmi.twitch.tv 00…