I have a dataset with 27 samples, two columns, 'SMILES' and a molecule property. It was splitted into trainset and testset, 80% and 20%,respectively. Then I used this method to improve the sample…
I'm using Keras 2.1.1 and Tensorflow 1.4, Python 3.6, Windows 7.
I'm attempting transfer learning using the Inception model.
The code is straight from the Keras Application API, just a few tweaks…
just thought i'd copy-paste this here, these are the answers to our post-workshop survey questions that relate to the material (see #188 ). Nice to see that most participants found the material excell…
I collected V2Ray traffic data and reran my deep packet inspection test, as described from [the issue here](https://github.com/v2ray/discussion/issues/569).
I compiled V2Ray (commit hash `5dffca84…
Hi Remi (or whomever else knows),
I have data from two different sites which I could like to use to create a single training dataset for a CNN. Is this possible using the patch extraction tool? If no…
Just curious if you have any plans on supporting the 5700 Xt card in the near future. As of now I haven't seen it in the supported GPUs list. Would be nice to also have it included!
Per suggestion from @bs, I am adding a summary of experiments performed exploring why our model might not be learning semantic embeddings. The list is not inclusive, but I will do my best to list the …
I'm planning to do a python implementation of IClabel , mainly for use in MNE-python. I couldn't see any file referencing the license information. I was wondering if there was a problem with me doing …
hi,大家好,非常高兴的告诉大家,百度飞桨论文复现赛第五期已经开始了,本次**论文复现赛**共将有100篇的经典&前沿论文供大家复现,以及新增了**工程落地赛**,详细信息可以参考[AI Studio](https://aistudio.baidu.com/aistudio/competition/detail/126/0/introduction),大家是否已经迫不及待了呢~
Hello. What is the receptive field of the denoising network (CNN_d)? My calculations yield 83. I used the info given in the network illustration and the fact that all filters are 3x3 (strided and tran…