In vim mode, when a line is wrapped, press "j" will move to the next line, rather than more the cursor down a row.
Describe the requested feature:
I use vim to write my latex source code, with vim-latex, it is so fast to write
article with shortcuts and auto-complete instead of clicking buttons. I know
Describe the requested feature:
I use vim to write my latex source code, with vim-latex, it is so fast to write
article with shortcuts and auto-complete instead of clicking buttons. I know
### Describe the bug
When I try to install parser `cpp`, `bash`, `html` with `:TSInstall cpp`, `TSInstall html` or `TSInstall cpp` I get errors like this:
nvim-treesitter[cpp]: Error during …
If I run `Neoformat! javascript prettier` on a snippet with an syntax error, I get the not so helpful message:
Neoformat: attempted all formatters for current filetype
but the actual error i…
For example, when writing an angular app, you can write some `ng-template` in inline:
script(type="text/ng-template" id="myTemplate")
It works as expected when go.nvim is not installed or loaded (lazy.vim) however hen go.nvim is installed and loaded the first `telescope lsp_definitions` outside buffer yields the error under **Actual…
packadd vim-jetpack
call jetpack#begin()
Jetpack 'tani/vim-jetpack', {'opt': 1} "bootstrap
Jetpack 'neoclide/coc.nvim', { 'branch': 'release' }
Jetpack 'EdenEast/nightfox.nvim'
1st conflict: Returning to normal mode when YCM popup is shown and ESC is pressed.
This can be fixed by adding
let g:AutoClosePumvisible = {"ENTER": "", "ESC": ""}
to .vimrc as described here: htt…
### Describe the highlighting problem
Syntax highlighting fails in large CSS files and highlights `to`, `or`, `and` within the code.
This screenshot shows, on the left side, the problem in the hig…