Webpack-cli functionality for "npm start" seems to be deprecated after the move to version 4. I have found patchwork solutions to serve the assets, but cannot get the Chapter 1 code to run.
I have set up an Angular 12 app with AngularCustomWebpackConfig
configuring as follows:
const AngularTemplateCacheWebpackPlugin = require('angular-templatecache-webpack-plugin');
module.exports =…
$ npm install --prefix rmf_panel
up to date, audited 1015 packages in 1s
52 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
found 0 vulnerabilities
看到 [ParcelJS](https://github.com/parcel-bundler/parcel) 还是眼前一亮的。
新建 `index.html`、`index.js` 和 `index.css`,然后 `parcel index.html`,就能拿到可运行的 html、js 和 css 组合。html **可以**作为入口正是我期望的,这让前端开发回归到本来的状态,很舒服。
Is there anyway to define CDN url by variable and not trough the webpack build process?
Right now most of the assets are loaded from the CDN, so if you won't be able to work on the project while being offline.
Maybe we could solve this by using some cache plugin (html5 app cache) on webp…
In my tests i want to import code from other package that is using Node js, because of that i need to add fallbacks to webpack config. I'm using cypress webpack preprocessor
const path = requi…
Hello Ratiw, i get this error in console and in npm run watch and really i don't found how can i resolve it ?
Uncaught Error: Module build failed: Error: Couldn't find preset "es2015" relati…
Every few times I run gulp I get an app crash (and it reports that the port is already in use):
amahpour@ubuntu-wellsense:/var/www/wellsense-web$ gulp
[17:31:02] Using gulpfile /var/www/wellsense…