### Describe the bug
top:Because the business code is not extracted temporarily, minimal Reproduction cannot be provided temporarily
I will try to provide minimal Reproduction later
Lost **in…
## 如题所说
我想使用cax 渲染一个svg 但是不知道如何使用 使用 usingComponents 一直是报错 path错误 请教一下如何顺利进行?
23233 updated
2 years ago
是否不支持.shadow-red-500\/50这样的写法? 测试会报错
### Describe the bug
I currently have the following configuration for my Vite & Vue.js project:
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
import WindiCSS fr…
Since the new version (0.36.0), TS will throw errors for things like `data-` attributes and `aria-` attributes in Vue SFC files, ~~as well as throw errors when mounting components in tests with `@vue/…
### What is the new or updated feature that you are suggesting?
Way to enable easy automatic stylesheet splitting with Tailwind JIT, WindiCSS, Twind, or others, to allow for each page to have its own…
I want to set an custom's animation in theme,but I don't how to do?
I always get this error: `Cannot stringify arbitrary non-POJOs TRPCClientError`
Here are my files:
import type { inferAsyncReturnType } from '@trpc/server'
Vite is known by its blazing fast startup time and HMR time.
Now Docus usually takes tens of seconds to startup, it's almost unbearable. More suprisingly, no one raised an issue like this. My behem…
**Describe the bug**
**Minimal Reproductions**
- vite-plugin-windicss: 1.8.2
- vite: 2.8.6
- framework(vue/react/svelte/etc): vue
**Additonal Context**