Brython 3.9.1 on Netscape 5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.192 Safari/537.36
>>> list[0]
Traceback (most recent call last):
# Issue
Brython is appending a '?' and a timestamp to the url of loaded scripts. This can cause script load to fail if the script URL always has a query parameter.
Behavior started for me today.…
I'd like to create a function which download (sync) a file from the server and returns with the value. I defined the variable in the main function, but I can't read the value after oncomplete s…
Привет, Раджив !
Я видел ваш блогпост на Хабр о Бритоне. Merci beaucoup !
Я долго хочу, что перевод тюторяля по русский есть на сайте brython.info. Как видете, я плохо говорю русский язык... А в…
I'm getting this error message with Brython 3.9.0. The web application uses ShareDB with ReconnectingWebSocket. Unfortunately, the code base has become too large for me to create a minimal reproducing…
Replicate with the following code:
class Lamb:
species_name = "Lamb"
scientific_name = "Lambius lambalot"
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
def __…
Goal is to integrate svelte and python code using [transcrypt](transcrypt.org)
# Step 1: Basic Svelte/Transcrypt and data binding
- [x] Get svelte to work with Transcrypt
- [x] Routing works as w…
while trying to import `jinja2` for testing purpose, the import of `literal_eval` from `ast` module from stdlib failed. `literal_eval` is a safe `eval` which can be used with untrusted sourc…
Question as in title. In regular brython w/o webworkers I can call window functions. But since there is no window in workers, unsure what to do.
Encountered in the console on brython.info, which I believe is the latest release.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Navigate to https://brython.info/tests/console.html?lang=en
1. Type `import importlib.r…