scrivo alcune domande in merito al crash-program a cui partecipa la regione Abruzzo (in sussidiarietà):
1. I servizi da utilizzare sono quelli esposti esclusivamente dal gateway e non …
Stiamo effettuando delle verifiche preliminari di test del crash program. Nello specifico stiamo eseguendo una pubblicazione di un documento PDF con CDA2 iniettato.
Come primo step è s…
Hej mam do Was prośbę. Czy po wejściu na stronę http://cda-hd.pl/20702/malzenskie-porachunki-draeberne-fra-nibe-2017-online/ pojawiają Wam się requesty do kdowqlpt.info a jak tak to czy nagle wam CPU …
In [`c3ca4a0`](https://github.com/maxneuvians/etat-status/commit/c3ca4a03fa96e4acc13e3af8cac89ecc8c280922
), Splash | Copyright Board of Canada (https://www.cb-cda.gc.ca) was **down**:
- HTTP code: 0
### Environment information
- mqt.qudits: 0.1.0
- Python 3.12
### Description
When I create a quantum circuit with a register of 4 qudits each with dimension 5 add a CSUM.dagger on qudit 1 and 3 a…
cos nowego na cda
I noticed the output eICR having observations (Results, Travel history) duplicated.
I am not sure why additional resources were added while processing KAR data in the source code (line 110)
Mam problem, a mianowicie czy to źródło "verystream" potrzebuje wtyczki do działania. Nigdzie i nigdy mi nie zadziałała, coraz więcej się jej pojawia. Drugie pytanie by nie tworzyć nowych wątków cz…
Hello, I have a question about whether it is possible to connect two freely floating bodies through Moordyn v2 and calculate the cable tension. The parameters and hydrodynamic coefficients of the two …
FMK docs: https://wiki.fmk-teknik.dk/doku.php?id=fmk:1.4.6:opret_effektuering