ajreynol@r-lnx201112[~/cvc5/test/regress]% get_backtrace d-cvc5 regress1/nl/approx-sqrt-unsat.smt2 --check-proofs
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00000a16fb825bde in ??…
## Issue
For the following file:
(set-option :global-declarations true)
(push 1)
(declare-fun x!0 () Bool)
(assert x!0)
(pop 1)
(push 1)
(declare-fun x!0 () …
aytey updated
2 years ago
I'm a little confused about why this definition is accepted by z3:
(define-fun-rec sum ((x Int)) Int
(ite (= x 0) 0 (+ x ((_ sum 0) (- x 1)))))
The term `(_ sum 0)…
Hi, for the following formula,
(declare-const X (_ FloatingPoint 8 24))
(declare-const R Real)
(assert (= X ((_ to_fp 8 24) RTZ (- R))))
(assert (= X ((_ to_fp 8 24) RTZ 0)))
(set-logic ALL)
(declare-const x Real)
(declare-const x1 Real)
(assert (let ((_let1 (exists ((x2 String)) (= (= x x1) (distinct "" x2))))) (not (ite _let1 _let1 (= x x1)))))
(set-option :check-proofs true)
(set-option :proof-check eager)
(declare-const x Real)
(check-sat-assuming ((= 0.0 (ite (and (< 1.0 x) ( nonlinearDiv_4 0) (= termITE_8 ter…
using namespace cvc5::api;
int main(void)
Solver slv;
slv.setOption("check-proofs", "true");
slv.setOption("proof-check", "eager");
Sort s1 = slv.getBooleanSort();
(get-info :zzz) produces
unsupported on CVC4
(error "Unrecognized flag for getInfo.") on CVC5
Because solver-specific info keywords are permitted, it seems most appropriate to return 'unsup…
(set-logic AUFLIRA)
(declare-sort A$ 0)
(declare-sort Real_set$ 0)
(declare-sort Real_a_fun$ 0)
(declare-sort Real_filter$ 0)
(declare-fun z$ () Real)
(declare-fun g1$ () Real_a_fun$)
`cvc5 regress1/nl/factor_agg_s.smt2 --check-proofs --proof-check=eager --decision=justification`
Fatal failure within void cvc5::ensureClosedWrtInternal(cvc5::Node, cvc5::ProofGenera…