Akshays-MacBook-Air:Akshay akshaybhasme$ pod install
Analyzing dependencies
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### Command
CmdLets in the NetTCPIP & other Net* modules are not available cross-platform.
My use-case: we use powershell + netCore as a cross-platform develop & deploy solution. (It's great!)
If I might offer…
It looks like the main problem is that MacOS binary URL changed from the expected:
To one of:
Mac version: MacBook Pro M1 2020
MacOS: 13.4.1
python version: 3.11.3
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/hyx020222/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/project/NLP/main.py…
### Describe the bug
When i try to build with `npm run tauri build -- --target universal-apple-darwin`, build failed :
vite v4.4.9 building for production...
✓ 217 modules transformed.
### Bug description
There is no typescript type containing a list of prisma client table names. `Prisma.ModelName` maps to the names in `schema.prisma`, which are Capitalized vs the camelCase used …
$ ps aux | grep redhat
nomore 2902 186.8 2.9 37742680 957764 ?? R 8:37AM 1050:18.51 /Users/nomore/.vscode-insiders/extensions/redhat.java-1.14.2023010903-darwin-x64/jre/17.0.5…
The source archive has eml.xml, meta.xml, image.tsv and occurrence.tsv but the image and occurrence TSVs have no headers, al…
Why has Darwin Core got `startDayOfYear` and `endDayOfYear` terms when these can be derived from `eventDate`? It is difficult to know how to determine these terms when `eventDate` is a range and spans…
### Describe the bug
I am attempting to open my daily note from the calendar plugin. I am able to open the note via the "Open daily note" core plugin but I want to use calendar as well and calendar f…