If I run the following test program with msgpack-javascript 2.1.0:
import { encode, decode } from "@msgpack/msgpack"
const map = new Map()
map.set("a", 1)
map.set("b", 2)
map.set("c", 3)
- Default parameters
- Constants
- Computed prop names
- let scoping
- generators
- getters and setters
Like a `tape -r babel-register` equivalent.
Cannot start until 10/29... Must be on separate release branch.
If we manage to have a stable codebase and it passes testing, we'll deploy it as part of Release A... otherwise, we'll deploy it to R…
### arrow function
- `promise` 中的 arrow function
promise.then( v => v.id )
promise.then( function extractId(v) { return v.id } ) ✔️
前者写法的缺陷在于,v 若为 `null` 或者 `undefi…
The use of ES6 default parameters causes the tool to throw an error. I know this isn't actually a true JavaScript object, but the syntax is very similar and it would be great if it was supported. The …
If you compress this code
class Test {
constructor() {
'testMethod'() {
return true;
window[ 'Test' ] = Test;
you get this res…
When using libsodium in your project in combination with a bundler like Webpack, you can use all sorts of optimization techniques such as [tree shaking](https://webpack.js.org/guides/tree-shaking/). T…
# 🐛 bug report
Parcel fails to import the [ES6 version of tweenjs](https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/dev/examples/jsm/libs/tween.module.min.js).
## 🎛 Configuration (.babelrc, packag…