We report an error for the following code, :
``` ts
for (var {toString} in { a: 1 }) { // error TS2491: The left-hand side of a 'for...in' statement cannot be a destructuring pattern.
官方主题那玩意不是个链接,估计是有函数可以用来调登录框的。改一个接受 callback 的 mdEntry 吧。
Looking at https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/wiki/JavaScript-Language-Service-in-Visual-Studio#-support-for-es6-and-beyond it states `enableAutoDiscovery` as an option in a `tsconfig.json` file.…
## 前言
### Detail:
I have updated a third party library **axios** version to 1.6.7 . When I ran tests I started to get the following error
` Jest encountered an unexpected token
This usually mea…
## Nome completo
Marcus Vinícius de Carvalho Botelho
## Localidade
## Apresentação
Desenvolvedor fullstack focado em Javascript. Atualmente trabalhando como front end, com …
## 链判断运算符`?.`
* 左侧的对象是否为`null`或`undefined`,如果不是,则继续运算。
* 如果是的,就不再往下运算,而是返回`undefined`。
* obj?.prop // 对象属性是否存在
* obj?.[expr] // 同上
* func?.(...…
# CommonJS
1. 使用关键字 *require* 和 *exports* 来引入、导出模块
2. Common 为通用的意思,CommonJS 的设计者们一开始并不想这个模块系统局限于浏览器运行环境([参考](https://requirejs.org/docs/whyamd.html#commonjs)),因此对浏览器环境的适配不好,所以后来有了 AMD
WIKI 介绍:…
Proposed language spec:
- asm.js for low-level code (full-array iterations, integer / float operations etc.)
- ES6 features whitelist:
1. let
2. const
3. generators
4. template strings
5. de…
### Core Foundations in JavaScript & TypeScript
- Goal: Build a strong foundation in JavaScript and TypeScript, focusing on writing clean, modular, and maintainable code.
**Week 1: JavaScript Essent…