Mx player pro doesn't support MKS extention subtitles.
### Apache Hop version?
### Java version?
### Operating system
### What happened?
When we import kettle transformations with Text file output Steps, the extent…
### Feature
https://github.com/CesiumGS/cesium/pull/11750 added an initial implementation of clipping polygons. However, some users are seeing performance hits depending on usage.
The performance …
The text translated in overlay mode goes out of the screen's boundaries/borders. Can you add an option where there is a certain extent the text could go and go to the line below? The only solution rig…
MAD-Pascal commonly used file extention for included files is .inc.
Please add it to the list in package.json.
I have a project with some rectangle meshes and text (BillboardImage3D). When I zoom extents after the scene is built I get a non zoomed result and if I repeat the action I get a very zoomed out resul…
# Summary
Data in the "record/metadata/mods/physicalDescription/extent" for the mods XML path is not being loaded into the "extent" field. (From https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LmGsLw95CqBmRkRk5…
To write a back-end the extents of DoMethods are needed.
These are currently not part of the IIR.
So to save every back-end from the hassle of computing it, I propose we add the extents to the IIR.
I wanted to extend the library for ATMEGA32U4 and ATMEGA16U4 family : Leonardo
I give you my results :
- a new PWM.h file
- a CTimerDefs.h file
- a CTimerDefs.cpp file
It seems to be…
Hello, why all providers have rectangle defined like entire Earth and do not use e.g. Full Extent from ArcGIS Server or Bounding Box from WMS/WMTS servers?